These can be used when your cursor is anywhere within the paragraph that you want to align or by selecting text first, such as multiple paragraphs. You may have to fiddle to get the number of points appropriate for the text size and leading to get a smooth curve. F5 - normal text F6 - bold F7 - italic F8 - underscore The following commands are for aligning text in PageMaker. When you drop the text frame in next to these, it will curve against the points. Now you have your text curved From here you may want to customise a little bit more, so with your text selected, go to Type > Type on a Path > Type on a Path Options.This will bring up a dialog box allowing you to change various options such as skewing the text slightly, or moving the text directly into the middle of the path, or descender/ascender. I alternated how far out I dragged the points from a short way out, to much further out. Publish printed books, brochures, digital magazines, flyers, and interactive online documents with Adobe InDesign desktop publishing software. Click on the box segment where you want to have a new anchor point. Select the box edge by Direct Selection tool. If any of the points go inside the rectangle, they won't work. Every text box is a vector form, so you can change it with Direct Selection tool (White arrow) and Pen tool. Note: Double click on the text tool to set the different types of font setting like color, bold, underline font size 3. To change the font and any font effects choose this tool and select the text. Pick up the text tool and drag in the text area of the PageMaker then start type. Still with the pointer tool active, click on the points and drag them outwards AWAY from the rectangle. Use text tool to type, select, and edit text.
#How to curve text in adobe pagemaker 7 software
another rectangle - either side of the text box if you want both edges curved). Photoshop is a special software that can be customized by taking various actions on pictures, which has been made by the company named Adobe, many versions of it have come on the market such as Adobe Photoshop 7.0, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, and its new version has come on the market is Adobe Photoshop CC which is slowly replacing all other versions. (of course you repeat this process - i.e. With the pointer tool, add evenly spaced points along the edge the text will abut against. This will bring up a dotted border around your rectangle.

Once you have your rectangle, then click on it with the pointer tool, and go to Element>Text Wrap, and select the irregular-shaped wrap option. Eventually you will have this rectange with no fill and no stroke (Element>Fill and Stroke>both set to 'None') so it will be invisible, but I left the stroke visible in the example so you could see where I drew it. Click the Start button, then point to Programs. It helps one produce professional-looking publications. Using the recatangle tool, draw a narrow rectangle the length of the text box. Adobe PageMaker 6.5 / 7.0 - 4 - ADOBE PAGEMAKER Introduction Adobe PageMaker is a Desktop Publishing program that can be used to set page-layout text design using a Personal Computer (PC).

#How to curve text in adobe pagemaker 7 pdf
PJ - I created that example in Pagemaker but converted it to PDF so it could display on the web.